
Corporate Knowledge Management Solution

Corporate Knowledge Management Solution




Corporate knowledge management is to create a culture and platform for all employees to share and make progress together. If an enterprise is likened to a person's body, then heart, liver, spleen and lung are important functional management departments such as market, R&D, quality and HR, while knowledge is the blood of human body and knowledge management is the blood circulation system. Knowledge management is the management behind management.


Through expert solutions, case precipitation, excellent practice and experience sharing, knowledge management promotes the business problem solving, avoids mistakes repeated, serves the construction of enterprises, and creates the brand of the enterprise culture.


Functional architecture


The Solution features an all-round learning and communication platform for experience sharing, knowledge sharing, online Q&A, training and examinations, so that employees can learn from each other, and improve work efficiency and personal work ability. Its modular design is convenient for customers to adopt all or part of functions according to needs and better integrate with existing resources. It mainly consists of four parts:


Content management: Divide different kinds of knowledge into individual applications to ensure the richness and expandability of content, including document library, knowledge base, blog, Weibo, Q&A, training, examination, etc.


Expert management: One might be a master in his own special field. Specialists with special skills are managed as separate management objects to support problem solving in specific areas.


Community management: Dividing people from different departments and different professions into different communities can allow people with overlapping jobs or similar interests to have an independent space for communication.


Mobile terminal: Mobile APP terminal makes it possible to share knowledge and learn anywhere, anytime.





Unity of platform


A unified service-oriented knowledge platform,


Leveraging industry-proven software products to build underlying capability


A knowledge organization system that meets the business needs of an enterprise


Application flexibility


Provides a highly integrated and customized search experience.


Intelligent push from knowledge to business can be realized in various ways.


Using artificial intelligence to realize problem solving and decision support.


Organizational control


Defines the roles and responsibilities of organizations at all levels of knowledge management,


realizes centralized control of rules, structures and requirements,


and formulates knowledge management process specifications that are highly integrated with business flows.


Operational care


formulates and issues rules for knowledge creation, organization and dissemination,


constructs an incentive mechanism for knowledge sharing,


and clarifies community classification, objectives and management system.


Customer value


In addition to building a platform for knowledge sharing and learning, a special breakthrough was made for the common problems in platform, application, organization and operation in knowledge management, and the knowledge management ability was further improved.


Platform layer


Unified service-oriented technical architecture,


unified knowledge organization and classification,


and highly integrated with business systems


Application layer


Unified, and customized intelligent search


Intelligent analysis + intelligent push


Machine learning + intelligent assistant


Organization layer


High synergy between strategy and control


Unified investment development + centralized control


Standardized process + penetration into the business


Operation layer


Highly centralized and standardized community operation


Perfect performance evaluation and feedback


Sharing culture of gamification-based incentive mechanism







