
My Number Solution

My Number Solution


My Number System: According to this system, all residents of Japan are provided with an individual number ID for social security, taxation, disaster countermeasures and other government records. This system helps to manage everyone's information more efficiently and accurately.

After the introduction of this system, the existing public utility, insurance, tax and many other systems of the Japanese government need to be reformed and upgraded.

iSoftStone can offer mature and standard APIs, enabling quick response to the system transformation brought about by Japan's My Number system, and reducing the cost and cycle of business system transformation.

Functional architecture

By reforming the system based on My Number, the Solution can add My Number function without affecting the business of the original system, and realize the My Number function quickly. Its modular design is convenient for customers to adopt all or part of functions according to needs and better integrate with existing resources.

The Solution mainly consists of eight modules:

Fixed assets

National health insurance tax

Long-term care insurance

Electronic declarations

National Health Insurance Benefits

Independence support medical care

Livelihood protection

Payment management



Japanese government

