
Insurance Regulatory System - Statistics Reporting System of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission

Insurance Regulatory System - Statistics Reporting System of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission


iSoftStone has designed and developed the CIRC's statistical information reporting system to help insurance companies with the IT construction for reporting the CIRC's statistical information. The system automatically extracts the data from flash reports, monthly reports, quarterly reports, semi-annual reports, and annual reports submitted by the CIRC from core systems, financial systems and other systems. It then performs a data relationship verification to form the basis of the data submitted for the full-subject report required by the CIRC. The system meets the requirements of insurance companies for calculating the CIRC data, querying the CIRC reports, and improving the quality of data reporting.


The system can import Excel, TXT, XML, and other data formats. It can also customize the extracted data, so that various data from the company can easily be entered in the system;

The imported data can define the calculation logic and calculate the value of the CIRC subjects. The calculation logic includes calculating relationships within the same organization, and also includes a summary of the relationships between superior and subordinate companies;

The full set of CIRC verification formulas is identical to the CIRC business logic, yet it is superior to CIRC in terms of verification speed;

In addition to the CIRC verification formulas, the companies' internal verification formulas can be customized according to their business needs, and to meet the company's personalized requirements for data quality;

A variety of data debugging mechanisms are provided, such as yearly and chain transaction charts for key subjects, data tracking of formula calculations, etc., allowing business people to easily understand and track data quality;

Various business reports for the CIRC are generated, which can then be browsed and printed, with XML file reporting packages generated as well;

The various subject reports and charts can be customized for horizontal and vertical analysis;

A complete permission system is provided.


The functions of the CIRC statistical information reporting system mainly include three parts: system management, system settings, and data management.

