
Testing solutions for hardware & OS

Testing solutions for hardware & OS



Server hardware, OS compatibility and certification testing

core technologies of all data centers and cloud computing services are established based on distributed deployment of large-scale servers. At present, there are complicated types of servers and matching operating systems on the market, which propose a high requirement for compatibility between these servers and operating systems. Therefore, only the good compatibility between the underlying hardware products and the matching operating systems, and their long-term stability, as well as the continuous conduct of hardware compatibility test and certification, and the enriching of the list of components & software, can enable the data centers or cloud computing services exploit their advantages in the fierce market competition, and improve the user satisfaction and competitiveness.


Hardware, chip and server performance test


High-performance computing technology can be applied in the market more quickly, to build prototypes, perform digital simulation and modeling, and reduce the costs; at the same time, it can also be used to make interactions, and popularize the creation tools and stepping tools, thus making a contribution to social development and economic growth. High-performance computing will lean to ARM in the future, and it will be superior to CPU+GPU hybrid accelerated computing platform with higher energy consumption, and the energy consumption will be reduced to one-fifteenth to one-thirtieth of the current level.


Core capabilities


Development and operation & maintenance of compatibility test automation script, determination and analysis of hardware compatibility issues


Server hardware and mainboard compatibility test (blade, rack, Kunlun, high-density, and self-developed boards).


Component compatibility test (network card, FC card, GPU card, TPM card, and storage medium).


Performance data analysis, program and standard audit, performance testing and tuning of hardware servers.


Certification testing of operating systems (Redhat, Windows, SUSE, VMware, Citrix).


Capability advantages


Solid partnership with operating system manufacturers


Based on the stable and effective communication channels with major mainstream operating system manufacturers, we can timely obtain the release plans of the latest versions of various operating systems, and ensure the reliability and market advantages of server products of our customers through compatibility and certification test of the beta version.


Professional hardware, operating system compatibility and certification test team


With rich knowledge and experience at the layers of hardware, drivers, and operating systems, we have established a case library for various problems, and formed the capability of fast delimiting compatibility issues, thus effectively supporting the operation and maintenance; we can also provide materials for hardware fault collection tools/hardware diagnostic tools, so as to improve customers’ satisfaction before and after sales.


With the capability of plan certification (aligning the product life cycle and new version release plan with OS manufacturers), we try to understand the certification process and certification factory environment construction methods, and simultaneously complete the system certification for the server with the release of new versions by OS manufacturers.


Professional performance research team


Based on the comparison data regarding hardware performance of mainstream manufacturers in the industry, we can provide the latest and best hardware options. With self-developed performance tools, we can also efficiently assist our customers in establishing systematic and efficient performance testing and tuning process.


Successful cases


Testing and certification of the compatibility between the whole series of products of a server and other mainstream operating systems


Compatibility test and certification of a series of servers


System communication capability test of a vehicle supplier


Performance test of a biotechnology application software


Serving customers


Huawei, Barcelona Supercomputing Center


High technology